Today’s educators shape tomorrow’s leaders. How will you help shape the future generations?
Pathway Description
The education pathway provides orientation and background for future teachers by introducing them to the demands and standards of the profession. Students in the pathway will be given guidance to make helpful decisions about entering the teaching field. All students should be aware that the requirements of transfer institutions vary and that the standards of the Iowa Department of Education specify differing preparations for elementary and secondary school teachers.
Key Competencies
Understand the challenges & issues in education today
Understand school organization, funding, curriculum, professionalism, legal issues, effective teacher characteristics
Develop interpersonal & intergroup relation skills
Understand the techniques of coaching, sports psychology, anatomy, and injury prevention
View the High School Course Guide for an in-depth look at the courses outlined below.
High School Credits:
8600 Foundations of Education (1)
8653 Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher (1)
6620 Coaching Ethics, Techniques & Theory (.25)
6621 Athletic Development & Human Growth (.25)
6622 Body Structure and Function (.25)
6623 Athletic Injury Prevention (.25)
8683 Technology for the Classroom Teacher (1)
8682 Educational Psychology (1)
Total College Credits: 17
tor Salary Range: $41,546 – $79,946
Career Opportunities
Early Childhood Teacher
Secondary Teacher
Elementary Teacher
Special Education Teacher