Feeding the Body as We Feed the Mind
Sioux City Community School District school meals are carefully designed to provide a variety of food choices that accommodate student preferences and meet the guidelines established by the USDA. By limiting salt, fat, and sugar content while increasing the number of vitamins and minerals such as iron, school meals are becoming more nutritious. In addition to helping children become healthier, these nutritious meals have also been shown to improve students’ social behaviors and academic performance.
Special Diets and Allergies
If your student requires a special diet or has food allergies, please have your physician complete the diet modification request form. Whether or not you plan to have your student eat breakfast or lunch with us, we need the information to supply appropriate foods for seasonal celebrations.
Please contact the Sioux City Community School District’s Food Service Department at 712-279-6860 or 712-279-6862 with questions or for more information.